Dear friend,
We are very glad to welcome you to Saint Barnabas Catholic Church. Saint Barnabas exists for the salvation of souls, and to foster a stable relationship with Jesus Christ through beautiful and reverent liturgy, sound teaching, works of charity, and warm fellowship informed by our Anglican patrimony.
The people of St Barnabas were received into full corporate communion with the Catholic Church in 2013, making use of Pope Benedict XVI's new, generous provision of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Though that makes us a very new Catholic parish, our roots go back to the community's origin in 1869 as a parish of the Episcopal Church. We rejoice to now be in full communion with Pope Francis, and we invite you to come worship with us and experience our parish's community life. All Catholics are able and welcome to fulfill their Sunday and Holy Day obligations by attending our Masses. We also enjoy and cherish a very warm, fraternal relationship with the Archdiocese of Omaha, in whose territory we are located.
On behalf of the parish, I am thrilled to welcome you to Saint Barnabas, and through the prayers of Our Lady of Walsingham and St Barnabas, may God grant you every blessing. I am deeply honored to be,
Yours in Christ,
Fr Stephen Hilgendorf